Ok, ok, I know this blog is normally about beauty products, subscription boxes, etc., but today I just need to vent a little. If you mind, just don't read this.
This will probably seem trivial to some because I know that overall I have a great life: a husband that loves me, kids that do well in school and in general, a secure job in a high school library, a nice house, nobody is sick. However, I have not been on a vacation in 4 years! I love to travel but it has just not happened for me in the past few years. One main reason is that my husband and I raise Rottweilers and for the past 3 years we have had puppies and they require almost constant care. I love the dogs and cannot imagine life without them, but dang, I just need to get away for even a few days.
Now my husband, on the other hand, has been on several trips and has more planned. In fact, right now he is on his way to Michigan (I've never been to Michigan) to a dog show and will be gone for 6 days. I can't go on this trip because someone has to stay and take care of the dogs he didn't take. In 2 weeks he is going to Germany (I've ALWAYS wanted to go to Germany even when I was a little girl) however, I'm not going to be able to go because he planned this trip to leave on the 2nd day of school. I have a new job at a high school and there is no way my principal will let me leave for 10 days right after the school year has begun! I tried explaining this to my husband when he planned this, but he said he HAD to go then because that's when the International Rottweiler show is. Also, he's been to the Smokey Mountains earlier in the summer (dog show) and to South Carolina (on the coast) last fall (dog show). I'm getting pretty tired of this! I want to go somewhere!!!!!
I'm thinking of planning my own trip and letting HIM stay home and take care of the dogs! Any suggestions on where I could go by myself and still have a good time; I do have a fall break coming up in October....