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I recently heard about a new subscription box from Social Bliss called The Style Box. I thought, hmmmm, may be worth a shot! I am always up for new surprises in the mail. This one seemed a little pricey, though, at $39.99 plus shipping. My total was $47. I am a sucker for a new box, though, so I ordered one.
I have been getting Popsugar's Must Have box since it first came out and I love it, so any box I order has a big reputation to live up to.
With that being said, I will get on with my take on the new Social Bliss Style Box. First, let me say that while I was not disappointed with the contents, I was not completely blown away, either.
Here is how the box looked:
Two of the items I really like and will definitely use. There was a wallet/purse included from Fleur de Wallet. I have searched online for this item and can't find the exact one the card inside the box says the value of this is $45. I wouldn't pay that much for it, but included in a box with other items I am happy with it. It will hold cash, credit cards, my iphone, and a few other items. Great for when you need a small bag but don't want to lug around a huge purse.
My other favorite item was the ring. I LOVE this ring! I am so thrilled that the current trend is to mix metals like gold and silver. I think this ring is beautiful and have already worn it several times. The ring is called Galena Bliss Ring by Lili Claspe and retails for $55.
The other items I was just meh about. There was a scarf, Wrapped Up in Radiance, $22. An Inked In Stylus Pen, $10. A Vinotherapy face mask, $3, and some nail polish by She, $4.
I do like the color of the nail polish. I have many, many nail polish colors but I don't have this one.
There was a nice value in the box for the price of $47. If I did my math correctly (remember I am a librarian lacking math skills), the total value in the Social Bliss Style Box was $139. Not bad at all!
After comparing my thoughts on the Style Box vs. Popsugar, I am going to have to stick with the Popsugar Must Have Box. While I did like all the stuff in the Style Box, I cannot afford both boxes each month, so sorry, Social Bliss, but Popsugar wins in my book.